Monday, April 25, 2011

TN Senate Passes 'Don't Say Gay' Bill | Gay Blog Unicorn Booty

TN Senate Passes 'Don't Say Gay' Bill | Gay Blog Unicorn Booty
This is just shameful. As the article points out, how are young people supposed to handle their sexuality if it isn't even legal to talk about it? Tn, you just proved every stereotype about you.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

7 Ways To Protect Your Memory

7 Ways To Protect Your Memory

I don't know about you all, but my memory really sucks. It's to the point sometimes I think I should be checked out by a doctor. I really hope I can remember these things ;)
~Drew Ronny

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Another Apology...

It has been some time since i posted anything on here. For this I am sorry. I would like to say I had some important things going on and so I just couldn't make the time, but the truth is I was just being lazy.
Some things have been happening to are very few. My life has take a turn for the boring. I am anticpating the arrival of my long time friend and fiancĂ©e a week from tomorrow. I am excited and nervous about this. You see, I have not met him in person. Just 7 years of chatting online and through webcam. I'm still not sure if we can actually function together physically. I guess the two weeks he is here will tell. I am thinking of ideas to help increase the functionality of this blog. Maybe a question and answer piece once a week and a spotlight feature. Those who read this, I would really like some feedback. What do you think will get people to read this and find it a valuable or entertaining blog? I am anxious to know your opinions. Even if you just happened to stubble on this thing...let me know
~Drew Ronny